Posts by ferret630

Severity of Solder Fumes and Precautions

Nowadays it is possible to learn soldering from videos on the Internet. There are many videos on how to do soldering, what equipment you will need, etc. However, one thing that a “How to do soldering” video doesn’t cover is the safety and the toxicity of soldering fumes. This is because if you choose to

Finding Your Purpose in Life

When you are living the life in childhood, what you should do is given by the elders. So when the child grows up, he/she can continue to accept what life brings to his/her tray instead of really choosing his/her own path. Because life has always been served. They may not question if what is served

Blockchain Technology In Simple Terms

What is Blockchain? Blockchain is a decentralized data storage system. Records aren’t stored by one entity, like a bank, but can be stored by multiple people. What makes it unique is that. For example, a bank needs to protect its sources as much as possible because it knows how much each account in the bank

My Favorite Linux Desktop Environment and Why

With so many desktop environments designed for Linux, there is something for everyone. There are also window managers, but in this article I will talk about desktop environments. Also, please keep in mind that this is about my personal preferences and can vary quite a bit from person to person. I have been using Linux

Back Up Your Data Before It Gets Lost

Back Up Your Data Before It Gets Lost

For example, how many generations back can you get pictures of from your family? Or, do you still store the files of your old computer in its hard drive? Perhaps, you don’t have time to think about the past that much, and you would rather live in the present. But the thing is, after a

Preservation of Old Movies and Information

Preservation of Old Movies and Information

Old movies and other old content should be preserved for transfering them to the future generations. The reason for preserving media can also differ from person to person. For me, I care more about having access to old movies that I have memories with than preserving them for future generations. Whatever the reason, the method

Diminished User Privileges on Mobile Devices

Diminished User Privileges on Mobile Devices

If we look back at old visions of future technology devices, we can see that people dreamed of transparent surfaces, clean design, and so on. Well, clean design be has become a reality. Especially with the Apple’s approach to the their devices. Apple has always worked to make their devices look cleaner and in other

There Is Different Computers For Different Needs

There Is Different Computers For Different Needs

I have tried many computers and so far what I have seen is, companies always try to profit as much as possible. That’s either by lowering from the quality of the build material or by omitting certain features. It can also be by optimizing the design by achieving the similar result with less expenditure, which
