Job and Work Require Energy but There is Efficiency Exists

Job and Work Require Energy but There is Efficiency Exists

The way everything in the universe requires a certain amount of energy in universe is fascinating. Whether it is a biological energy or a mechanical energy, it is needed for things to happen. So things have an energy cost in advance of their financial cost. Actually, the financial cost comes from the amount of energy used to make that product, the output. Electronic devices have a limited battery life. People are limited in how much they can do in a given amount of time. Space shuttles are limited in how far they can go. Someone who plays sports is limited in how much they can do on a daily basis. Because their body needs time and energy to repair itself.

Energy is a very overall aspect of the situation. It has many factors and subtopics underneath it. For example, a machine that is more energy efficient can do the same work with less energy. Or a swimmer who swims for a while will have a more efficient and shaped body for swimming, so they will use less energy for the same output. They will also know how to do the strokes and actions in the water more correctly compared to a beginner, so that is another aspect of their reduced energy expenditure. Extracting these features to a more generalized state would be – How correctly the action is done and how congruent the thing is in shape to that action will determine how much energy is expended. These are just the two aspects that affect how energy expenditure can be influenced. I’m sure there are many more to that. Someone who wants to do a lot more in a short amount of time should be careful about these aspects. In short, efficiency will be inversely proportional to energy expenditure.

With this in mind, it’s safe to say that the more you do, the better you’ll be able to do your job. This is because the brain will grasp the key points of the work and it will learn to do it with less action. A kind of optimization, similar to the reinforcement learning in artificial intelligence. You can see this most clearly when you do a job by yourself. Otherwise, the people you work with could fill in the blanks and satisfy different needs. When you’re the only one doing the work, it’s like being the only core in a central processing unit. Clock speed affects how much you can do in a single pass. The more clock speed you have, the more power you need. Power can be reduced with efficiency, similar to ARM, X86 architecture competition we have today. Or you can just run at a low clock speed and do the job slowly, piece by piece. But that takes up more of your life, and if we consider that life is also limited, don’t we come to the same conclusion? It will take your energy slowly or quickly. But it will take that energy anyway if it has to be done.

The final word is, work will take something from you, so make sure you spend the energy on the right thing.

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